A group of people shaking hands over a table.

Trust Deed Investments Increase Capital

Let the loan brokers at Twin Rivers Capital show you how to generate more value as you invest in trust deeds. These short-term loans typically mature two years. Hard money loans provide fixed income that is secured by real estate, improving portfolio diversification and enhancing risk adjusted rates of return. We provide investment opportunities to high-net-worth investors, family offices, and other interested parties. If you’re an accredited investor, let’s talk!

Consider Financing Options

Our Management team has well over 33 years of combined experience in Trust Deed investments. This makes Twin River Capital one of the premier hard money lenders in much of the United States with a strong reputation of performance, reliable service, and fast delivery.

Get Started Today New Investor Information

The first step to investing with Twin Rivers Capital is to enter our investor portal to learn more about investing in hard money loans. If you’re an accredited investor, just fill out our simple form to get access today.
Dear Investor, the Department of Real Estate requires that we collect the RE 870 (Investor Questionnaire) form for each vesting used to fund a loan with Twin Rivers Capital.
This information is kept in your investor profile and only shown to the Department of Real Estate upon special request.
This information is not reported or given to the IRS or other entities. The information you complete is taken as fact and will not be verified, as we are relying on you to provide complete and accurate information.
You can only buy loans that are less than or equal to 10% of your stated net worth. For example, if you state your net worth is $500,001 - $750,000, then the maximum loan amount you can fund per transaction is $75,000.
If you selected $750,001 - $1,000,000, then the maximum loan amount you can fund is $100,000 per transaction.

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Trust deeds are not "liquid" assets. To liquidate your investment prior to being paid off, you may need to sell your note for a discount or a reduction in the amount you owe.
Because of this, we recommend not investing in trust deeds unless you have no need for liquidity and have other sources of cash.
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